My experience the last few weeks with Rails has taught me something. Assume you know nothing, then try to soak up everything. Walking into a situation assuming you know things is the most dangerous thing you can do. >>'
Regardless, playing with Ruby on Rails has certainly been an interesting part of my undergrad studies. I'd rank this up there along with learning how to parallel program. Its such a simple language with such powerful implications. I know I can't compare this to Java since they're completely different and are used for different situations. For me, Java was a lot of testing and debugging. Ruby was a lot of reading, writing one line of code and finding out how easy things are done. I may continue pursuing Ruby later on - Why not, right? CMPT470 hasn't let me down - it really is a very fulfilling course (when it isn't making you rage..)
Countdown to Suomi - about 35 days. I'm patiently waiting for my passport while my family is heading down to the States for shopping. I can't decide what I should bring yet. All I know is that the Thinkpad is going with me, and so is the camera. I'll be uploading lots of photos onto here once I start going to my weekly trips. More hard drive space is needed!
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